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  • Writer's pictureJayson Salvi

What's Your Sign?

Where would we go if signs didn't exist? Seriously. We'd be wandering around forever looking for what we need. Whether it's a house number or a business name, signs give us the information we need. In business, one of the first things you should be doing (other than having a location) is having a sign designed. As a Sign Painter, I obviously would love for you to have a hand painted sign, but everyone's budgets and preferences are different. One thing is for sure, a business with no sign, is a sign of no business. numerous studies in customer habits have shown that a customer or client, whatever term you prefer, will only drive around the block 2 times looking for a business before giving up and driving somewhere else.

Now let's talk about the condition of your current signage and your storefront appearance? What is the first impression your clients get walking up to your business? Is your business storefront peeling, chipping, is the sign faded, rotting and just tired looking? If you're in the fashion/image business and your signs look like you don't care about the details, it speaks loudly as to what is important and not important to you. Your sign is an extension of your personality and your reputation, make sure it represents you in the best possible way,

Lastly, let me be as blunt as possible. If you're opening a business and you call a Sign Maker and the first thing you tell them is "I need a sign but I don't have a lot of money" well, that's the biggest mistake you've made right out of the gate. The first thing you should have when opening a business is a lot of money, at least in terms of what type of business you're opening. That being said, if you can't afford a sign, then you've set your course to failure. Whether it's a window design or a hanging sign, have your sign ready to go before you even open your doors for the first time, or it could be the last time you open your doors.

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